Meet The The Toddler That Just Started A Food Co-Op

Chris Stang
The Banana Boat
Published in
2 min readApr 5, 2016


Tetiana Kovbasovska

After almost three full years on this planet, area toddler Payton Travis decided he had seen enough. Too often would he find himself pushing around a pile of tasteless, frozen corn on the tray of his high chair, or riding in the awesome shopping cart at his local grocery store only to see aisle after aisle of processed food and sad looking produce. Too many play dates ended with nutrient devoid lunches, often degrading the quality of his sleep during naptime. So he decided to do something about it.

Last month, Payton, with the help of his parents and several angel investors, opened the Park Street Food Coop. Designed to help improve the quality of food available to his peers and other threenagers around the city, Park Street’s members are made up of other conscientious toddlers and their parents, who each put in one shift a month at the coop. Shifts might include operating the cash register, unboxing fruits and vegetables that arrive from local farms, or chopping up food into tiny pieces for the ready made meals that Park Street offers daily. Only those who pitch in can reap the delicious farm to table rewards.

As for what’s in store for the future, Payton plans to run the coop until he starts pre-kindergarten in the fall, at which point he plans to hand off control to one of the younger board members, as soon as they have a few words.

More on this story as it develops.

